General Terms and Conditions of Access to and Use of the website
Information on the general terms and conditions of access to and use of the website, which must be made known to the user pursuant to Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Business.
Website owner data
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, S.A. provides information of interest on the services it renders, on the company and on related and complementary general matters, through its website: The information provided is that which is in force at the time of its publication.
Terms and conditions of access
Users are fully liable for access to this website (, as well as for the use of the information it contains, and accept its legal warnings, terms and conditions of use, as set forth therein. Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid is neither liable for any damage that may arise from said acts [access or use of the website], nor can it guarantee that access will not be interrupted or that any content or software users may access is error-free and will not cause damage. Access to the services offered over this website is free of charge and generally does not require prior subscription or user registration, notwithstanding the fact that certain services may require the the user to fill in the corresponding registration form before gaining access. Usernames and passwords are identifying elements that enable access to the services. They are personal and non-transferable. If the user does not agree with the content of these general browsing terms and conditions, the said user must exit the website and may neither access it nor use the services it offers. The user hereby guarantees the accuracy and authenticity of the information reported as a consequence of contracting the services that require user registration and, furthermore, undertakes to keep any such information updated. This website contains links to the websites of third parties. EMT assumes no liability arising from the connections to or contents of such links. Any connections to other websites that may be found on the EMT website, as well as the use to be made of them, are subject to these general terms and conditions any particular terms and conditions that may possibly be required by the aforementioned websites. Any use of this website other than that which is authorised is expressly prohibited. Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, S.A. can modify, at any given time and without prior notice, the configuration of this website, the terms and conditions of the service and its content, as well as remove, restrict or suspend them, either provisionally or permanently, or impede access to the site, circumstances permitting, by means of a publication on the website.
Terms and conditions of use
Users hereby undertake to use the services and content of the website appropriately and to refrain from using them for unlawful activities or activities that constitute an offence or infringe upon that which is set forth in this legal warning, in industrial and intellectual property regulations, or in any other legal regulation. Users are exclusively liable for any use they make of the information contained on this website. The user guarantees the authenticity and accuracy of the all the data provided to Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid by means of the different online forms and assumes responsibility for any inaccuracy or falsity in the information facilitated. Any information provided in reply to a query or request for information is merely for guidance purposes. Furthermore, inclusively but not exclusively, users undertake to refrain from entering, transmitting or disseminating:
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid cannot control the use made by users of this website and its content; consequently, it is not liable for damages of any kind that may result in the unlawful, incorrect or inappropriate or partial use of the same. Neither is it liable for users' failure to comply with these terms and conditions of access and use, nor for any other condition that might be found on this website with respect to any of its services, without prejudice, whatever the case, to any legal actions to which Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid or third parties may be entitled. Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid cannot guarantee the permanent availability and continuity of website operation or of the information, content, software, materials or products included therein. Accordingly, EMT assumes no liability for any damages that may arise due to the lack of availability or continuity of website operation, its services and the use made of the website by users. Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid endeavours to ensure that this information is accurate and precise and updates with the greatest possible speed, striving to avoid errors and correcting them as soon as they are detected. Notwithstanding, EMT cannot guarantee that there are no errors or that the content of the information is permanently up to date. Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid assumes no liability for possible errors or security shortcomings that might occur owing to users employing a non-updated, unsafe browser, as well as for the activation of registered user password or ID code preservation devices on the browser, or the damages, errors or inaccuracies that may arise owing to the misuse or malfunctioning of the same.. Users hereby accept that the website has been designed and developed by Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid on the basis of information from internal and external sources and provides it to users as-is, in spite of the fact that it may contain inaccuracies or errata. Accordingly, users hereby relieve Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid of any liability concerning the reliability, usefulness or false expectations that the website might cause during browsing. In the event of a user causing damage of any type to third parties, the said user is solely liable for that damage. Moreover, the user shall assume any costs and, as applicable, any compensations that might arise from legal proceedings conducted due to non-compliance with that which is set forth in these terms and conditions and in the applicable regulations.
Trademark rights: Intellectual and industrial property
All web content (including,but not limited to , databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, maps, frames, banners, software and their different source codes, font, audio and video content), as well as the website proper, are owned by Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid or by content providers which have been, in the latter case, granted a licence or assignment by it. Said content is protected by national and international regulations on intellectual and industrial property. All the software employed in the use and development of the website is owned by Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid or its software providers and is protected by national and international regulations on intellectual and industrial property. It is strictly prohibited for users to carry out any of the following actions, both with respect to the website, as well as to its content, without prior written authorisation from Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, the holders of intellectual copyright or any other property rights:
The content of this domain can be downloaded to a user's terminal as long as it is for private use and involves no commercial end, but cannot be exploited, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, awarded or transformed, unless specific and express authorisation has been obtained. Accordingly, making available and using databases, images, drawings, graphics, text, audio and video files, and the software owned by Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid or its suppliers which are on the website, as well as any other content, does not imply, in any case, the transfer of its ownership or the granting of usage right to the user. The portal, its graphic designs and the information and codes they contain are owned by EMT de Madrid, unless some other owner is expressly indicated, and are protected by intellectual property legislation.
Personal data protection
Visits to the domain are anonymous. In some cases, to be able to access some of the web services that involve management or specific processing actions,users will be required to supply personal data essential to providing the requested service. The data that are provided will not be used for any other purpose, nor will they be handed over to third parties. Moreover, maximum confidentiality will be observed with respect to these data. These data will be included in the corresponding automated files of Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid and will be handled in accordance with the regulation established under the [Spanish] Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999, of December 13; under the Regulation developed from the aforementioned Act, adopted by Royal Decree 1720/07 of 21 December; under the Community of Madrid Personal Data Protection Act 8/2001 of 13 July, and under any other applicable provisions. Likewise, the same actions will be taken with respect to data obtained by Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid through channels other than this website. The data collected or obtained, either through this website or from any other source, shall only be transferred, where appropriate, upon the prior consent of the concerned party or in accordance with that which is provided for in the aforementioned [Spanish] Personal Data Protection Act. People whose personal data are on an automated Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid file, whatever file this may be, can exercise their rights to access, rectification, erasure and objection in the manner provided for by the Act, to which end they must send a written request to the Controller of the Personal Data File.
The aforementioned precautions as regards data protection apply to e-mail correspondence between third parties and EMT or its employees.
Other credits
In the relevant places the authorship of the photographs on the website is acknowledged.
Capturing images
It is prohibited to film images or take photographs inside buses or inside any other EMT vehicle or installation. To be able to do so, you must obtain the express permission of EMT and carry out these activities in the manner and under the conditions that EMT Communication and Customer Management regulate for this purpose. To obtain recording permission and the rule that regulates it, you can write to the following e-mail address:
Confidentiality clause
Recipients of this message are hereby informed that e-mail and communications over the Internet do not make it possible to either ensure the confidentiality of the messages transmitted, their integrity or correct receipt, and thus Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, S.A. assumes no liability for any such circumstances. If the user does not consent to the use of e-mail or communications over the Internet, the said user must inform EMT immediately. This message is addressed exclusively to its recipient, contains confidential information and is subject to professional secrecy, the disclosure of which is not permitted by law. If you have received this message by mistake, please inform us immediately by e-mail or over the telephone (+34) 914 068 800 and delete it along with any document attached hereto. Moreover, we hereby inform you that the distribution, copying or use of this message, or of any document attached hereto, whatever its purpose, is prohibited by law.